Rider Confidence

Rider Confidence & Performance

Are nerves, fear or anxiety affecting your riding? ? Call Anne Widdup Hypnotherapy today.

Calm & confident riding

Would you like to feel more calm and confident competing? 
Maybe you would like to rebuild your confidence around your horse and enjoy riding again? 
You’ve invested so much time and hard earned cash in your riding; don’t let anxiety and fear hold you back from enjoying your horse and achieving your goals. Hypnotherapy can help you to overcome trauma, fears and phobias and rebuild your riding confidence to even greater levels than before. Make competition or exam nerves a thing of the past and improve your performance. You can be a calm, confident rider with a relaxed and confident horse. 

You want to enjoy your horse riding – after all, that’s why you’ve invested so much time and hard earned cash in it. BUT.... something has occurred that has dented your confidence …. A fall…. A spooky horse… a runaway….a refusal….being kicked/bitten etc.
If anxiety has crept into the thought of riding or even being around your horse, it stands to reason that it is no longer going to be the pleasurable experience that it once was. What’s more, your horse will immediately sense your anxiety and will be on high alert for danger. (Did you know that even the way you breathe affects your horse?)

You might have been riding for years and consider yourself to be an experienced and competent rider, but your present anxiety is outweighing all of those good memories… you have started to doubt yourself…. You might even be frightened of your horse. You have forgotten the 99.99% of occasions when everything went well (happy horse, happy rider) because the primitive part of your brain – the part of you that is hard-wired to keep you safe – is now focused on that .01% where something put you at risk and is now on high alert for something else to go wrong and threaten your survival.

Everyone knows that horse riding is classified as a high risk sport – and now (your survival mechanism tells you) you have evidence that this statement is true. Your logical brain can keep telling you that crossing the road or driving at 70 miles per hour down a motorway is likely to be more dangerous than riding your horse (remember the 99.99% times when you had a great time with your horse when nothing went amiss). Somewhere down the line something has happened to scare you and your mind is now feeding you all the reasons for not doing the things you were once happy and confident to do.
Relief is at hand! Hypnotherapy can help you to overcome trauma, fears and phobias and rebuild your riding confidence to even greater levels than before. In just a handful of sessions you can be ‘back in the saddle’ and getting the most out of your love for all things equestrian.

Call me to find out how hypnotherapy can help.

"Anne is a keen rider herself and shares a passion for horses and equestrian sport. Prior to qualifying as a Yoga teacher and Clinical Hypnotherapist, Anne worked (having been trained at BHS AI riding instructor level) at riding schools and competition yards."

Work on a 1:1 basis to maximise your success. Call today to find out how Clinical Hypnotherapy can make a difference. 
Building confidence
Need help building your confidence with horse riding? 
Call Anne Widdup Hypnotherapy in Northamptonshire. Call now on
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